Thursday, September 1, 2016

August Wrap-Up & September TBR

August Wrap Up - Here's what I read in August (it was a pretty darn good month!)

You might be wondering, as I am, how did I read so many books in a month? (Maybe you're not wondering that - maybe you're an amazing reader who reads this many books in two weeks. I'm not usually. I'm usually good for about a book a week. I do have a life and a job outside of reading, plus a little person to read to, plus I love Netflix.) 

The only answer I have for you is that I probably didn't sleep as much as I should have, Because I also watched all three seasons of Veronica Mars and watched the movie as well (impatiently awaiting my library holds for the two audio books following the movie to come available. I ship Veronica and Logan so hard!)

Here's what I'm hoping to read in September:
I have high hopes for September since I did so well in August. Plus I'm not binge watching anything right now like I was with Veronica Mars. 

Did you read anything great in August that I should add to my list? What are you planning to read in September? 

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